Immigration Experts Achieve Positive Outcomes

Immigration Experts Achieve Positive Outcomes



The Department of Home Affairs; most people hear this term and recoil while muttering some or other story of past negative experiences. You might find it interesting to note then that the Department has been extremely helpful in assisting with the immigration process for a wealth of people. This is usually when their services are approached by the team of immigration process experts at IBN Consulting.


Immigration Consultants Making The Difference Working as a valuable part of the Hospitality Partners Association of South Africa (HPASA), IBN Consulting offer sound advice and assistance when it comes to anything related to immigration. The team of immigration agents are on hand to offer their professional services that are backed with experience that spans over 10 years. The process can become relatively painless when deciding to use the services of expert immigration consultants. According to Andreas Krensel, the Managing Director at IBN Consulting & Immigration; ‘Using experts like IBN can result in a hassle-free immigration process, resulting in happy clients who look forward to starting their new lives and ventures in this beautiful country of ours.’Paperwork, Permits And The Immigration Process Using a Swiss family as an example one can see how simple the immigration process can be when you’re talking to the right people. This family approached IBN Consulting in May 2011 wanting to open their own guesthouse in the Eastern Cape. They met with IBN in June and looked at some potential properties. IBN advised them of the protocol and procedure of how best to submit an application for their business permit and within 2 weeks the application was complete and sent back to them in their country of residence. A mere 5 days later they were in possession of their business permits, making it a total of 3 weeks from beginning to end by using the comprehensive services of qualified and committed immigration agents.About Hospitality Partners Association South Africa The Hospitality Partners Association of South Africa (HPASA ) is a dynamic amalgamation of collective brilliance in all fields of hospitality, guesthouse sales, as well as lodge, hotel and restaurant transactions. HPASA is a collaboration of some of the best minds in the industry, offering services and advice in hospitality trends , immigration , legal , risk , financial and hospitality properties. For more information and to stay informed in the ever-changing and fast-paced world of hospitality, subscribe to our Hospitality Business Hub newsletter or contact one of the professionals who make up the HPASA team. HPASA

are renowned hospitality business brokers that offer exemplary advice and solutions in tourism industry services and the hospitality business.

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