8 Myths On Creative Web Design Service}

Submitted by: Jessica E Taylor

Creating a Creative Web Design is nowadays a major part in any business. A good website that gathers visitors around is one that has an amazing web designing. The creative designing service plays an important role in attracting the users.

Therefore, any developing thing can cause misunderstanding among the people. Considering Creative Web design service, there are different Myths that veils the truth.

Here are few Myths based on Web Design Service:

MYTH 1: Appearance of the web design The major aspect

It is believed that web designing is based mainly on the beauty of the website. Simply, attracting the audience by making websites pleasing to their eyes doesnt showcase good web designing.

. Appearance Is Less Important

In fact, there are many major factors that deliver the users what they really need. People trust on a websites accuracy through its beauty, is a huge myth that needs to be avoided.

The factors like the presentation of the site, content, user-friendly etc. play important role in delivering the exact purpose.

MYTH 2: Content not a priority

Many websites overlook the content while giving importance to the design. They believe that the content or the written aspect doesnt matter.

. Accurate Content in a Web Design

In fact, when a visitor reaches your site he looks for content that describes your product or the service. The content can inform the user about the objective and aim of a business. Considering designs prior to content can make the website look less professional.

A website will be considered of good quality even if the design is less attractive, but the content must be amazing.

MYTH 3: Rotating banners are effective

In this modern age of development in web designing rotating banners is a dime a dozen. Many companies prefer adding rotating banners with colorful fonts without questioning its purpose.

. Stop Using Rotating Banners

Its necessary to analyze the message behind those banners. Most visitors feel irritated using them due to its time consumption. In this fast growing era of technology, people expect quick accessibility.

On the other hand, rotating banners has become usual and less worthy, because companies apply it without any meaning.

MYTH 4: its all about attractiveness

Web designers of different companies work for hours decorating the site. They dont remember that design is all about effectiveness, not attractiveness.

. Attractiveness Matters Less

A designer should basically develop a site thats conscious about the user. Cramming the site with colors and large fonts cannot grab the visitors, in fact, it makes the website awkward.

The design is about form and function. Moreover, a web design must successfully solve the problem.

MYTH 5: Maximum features resemble better creative design

Believing that adding more features into the website can generate more users or customers is wrong. Embellishing the website with different features and function brings more confusion to the user.

. One Single Feature

Instead, a website should provide a single feature with better accessibility. This allows the users to use that single feature without any obstacles. An elaborate display of different feature develops more hassle and less effectiveness.

MYTH 6: Visuals, Images & Stock Photography are the most important areas.

Visuals are important. But applying image and paying for stock photography doesnt complete your vision. Considering only the view cannot bring the users to you in an appropriate way.

. Web Design Creates Customers

Evaluating great web designing sites can tell us that design is more important than visuals. They drag your attention to the right area without any overexposure to visuals or images.

The design does it all.

MYTH 7: Web Designs only for Computers

This myth is now getting less impactful as people are discovering websites on their mobile phones. Companies must understand the importance of providing accessibility of the website into cellular mediums.

. Expanded To Mobile Phones

The myth about the availability of website only in computers needs to be obliterated. Web designs are nowadays specially created for tablets, iPhone and android mobile phones for better accessibility.

The growing generation demands more of a mobile phone use.

MYTH 8: Website more important to the designe

A web designer developer can easily agree with his/her design. He doesnt ask himself questions that shed light on the customers perception. This can cause less impact.

. Users Are Important While Creating A Web Design

It is certainly difficult to understand all the customer needs. You cannot alone decide what they actually require.

Follow a process of feedback that can generate ideas of customers. This can help you gain different choices of different users.


Though various Myths on web design are prevailing, there use is consistently increasing. The development in Creative web design has changed the user experience.

Understanding the core regions for a successful web designing is significant. Analyzing the customer requirements enable a website to generate a better amount of visitors.

About the Author: If you are searching for an effective creative design agency please visit our site creative design agency Singapore


for more information.



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