Free Hypnosis Script: Glove Anesthesia Script}

Submitted by: Melissa Tiers

One of the areas where hypnosis can be of real help is pain management. During my certified hypnosis training in New York I make sure my students have a clear understanding of this important area.

The following free hypnosis script can be used to assist a client with pain management. Pain management should only be undertaken by a qualified hypnotist under a medical referral.

Now that you are feeling more comfortable, I would like to show you how easily you can change sensations in your body by using your mind. In a moment

.I’ll touch your hand. And as I touch your hand, you can let your focus on the sound of my voice, allow you to feel even more comfortable.

[begin touching lightly or tapping on the back of hand]

Just notice, as I touch your hand, that all sensations begin to change..

Many people notice a slight tingling sensation on that handor elsewhere,

maybe on your arm..or your faceor somewhere else

But however you can experience this..all the things I do hereon that hand

..can allow you to feel even more comfort

You may be aware of my touch or not.and it might seem to be..over there

.kind of at a distance.


Imagine if you will, that this areafrom the wrist to the fingertips is in

a comfortable glove..

Very comfortable..custom made for you..and the area within begins to feel

even more relaxed.more comfortable

You may think of this as your glove of relaxation.your glove of anesthesia..

And you might remember what that sensation feels likethe novacain you might have hadin the past

And everywherein that glove..can feel differentand my touch can

make you feel even more relaxed.all that I do here can cause you to feel

more and more comfort.

You may be aware of my touch..but all that I do allows you to go deeper

and deeper into comfort.

[begin to pinch the hand, above or in the area of the web between thumb and forefinger. Begin slowly and increase the pressure as you continue to speak in soothing tones]

More and more may be aware of my touch .and you might

be wondering what Im you go deeper into this comfort,. relaxing

more and more..

Noticing the comfortable tingling.perhaps aware of the changing sensations

as you relax deeper..

Allowing that comfort to spread especially within your glove of


Glove of anesthesia..of relaxation.

[you can emerge from hypnosis or keep going to transfer feelings to the face]

And you might want to allow that comfort to anywhere you need

that comfort..knowing that you can move that gloveto anywhere you

want to feel better

Notice what happens.when I help you lift that glove to your face

how that sensation can spreadchangingthat whole area.can feel

different.more and more..comfort spreading..notice how easyyou can

bring that comfort to where you need it..

Thats right..more and more comfortabledeeper and deeper relaxed


[emerge slowly, allowing all sensations to return to normal or leaving

comfort where patient needs it]

About the Author: Melissa Tiers is an

NGH certified hypnotist in New York

, where she gives private hypnosis sessions for pain management and other issues, and

certified hypnosis training in New York

. Melissa can be contacted on 212 714 3569, or at


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