All About Honey 10 Naturally Sweet Cures To Try

By James Calvin

Honey, especially mixed with cinnamon, can cure a multitude of ailments. Honey is produced in all parts of the world. Scientists of today believe honey can be used without any side affects for a number of diseases. Honey is sweet but if taken in the right dosage as a medicine it wont harm diabetic patients. Its important to remember that these ten natural sweet cures havent been independently verified. These are homeopathic cures, many passed down from generation to generation. I found many uses of honey mixed with cinnamon to cure ailments from heart disease, acne, hair loss, and gas. I will focus on the top ten cures to try.

Arthritis is one disease that can be cured with honey. One part honey to two parts of lukewarm water and a teaspoon of cinnamon will make a paste that will noticeably reduce pain in a matter of a couple of minutes. Patients suffering from arthritis can take one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon once in the morning and again in the evening. Its been said that taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. Copenhagen University tested their theory by giving patients a mixture of one tablespoon of hone and one half teaspoon of cinnamon before breakfast. The results were that within a week, 73 patients out of 200 were relieved of pain and within a month, arthritis patients could again walk without pain.

Cholesterol is said to be treatable with honey. Mix two tablespoons of honey and three tablespoons of cinnamon in 16 ounces of tea. This mixture is said to reduce the level of cholesterol by ten percent within a short amount of time. As with arthritis, it is said that pure honey taken with food daily will reduce cholesterol levels. Along the same lines, using cinnamon and honey on bread and eaten at breakfast revitalized the arteries and veins leading to the heart and helpful towards preventing heart attacks.

Men, pay attention! A mixture of hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon made into a paste can help baldness and hair loss. Apply the paste before your shower and leave it on for approximately five to fifteen minutes then wash the hair.


In India and Japan honey and cinnamon is said to help relieve gas, stomachaches and clears stomach ulcers at the root. If honey and cinnamon are taken before eating it helps digest even the heaviest of meals.

Colds can be treated with honey. One tablespoon honey with teaspoon of cinnamon taken daily is said to cure most chronic coughs and clear the sinuses. You can also make up a mixture of honey, whiskey and lemon juice. If it doesnt clear your cough, at least maybe youll sleep.

Pimples, the curse for both young and old can be removed within two weeks if this remedy is applied. Make a paste of three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon. Put the pimples on before going to bed and wash it off the next morning.

Now heres a big one. Weight loss. Twice daily, once at night, and one in the morning hour before breakfast drink a cup of boiled hot water with honey and cinnamon. Its been said that even the most obese patient can lose weight and drinking this mixture doesnt allow the fat to accumulate in the body.

Studies have shown that chronic fatigue can be helped by honey. One half tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon in the morning and in the afternoon will increase your vitality within a week.

Infertility is a problem that ancient people in the Far East treated with honey. It was said to strengthen the semen of men. Two tablespoons of honey taken before bed is said to also correct impotency. A touch of cinnamon in one half teaspoon of honey and applied to the gums throughout the day will help a woman conceive. Mixing it with the saliva lets it slowly enter the body.

Finally, bad breath is said to be helpful if gargled in the morning. One teaspoon of honey and cinnamon mixed in hot water is supposed to keep breath fresh all day.

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