Final Expense Insurance

Submitted by: Tom Oganessian

Funeral costs are rising at a rapid pace. The average cost of a funeral is estimated between $8,000-$15,000. Funerals are only covered for $255 by Social Security administration only if you qualify. And most of the times people pass away without any coverage hence burdening their families and loved ones who now have to come out of pocket to cover those high funeral costs. At Funeral Advantage Program we make sure that you have enough coverage in place to pay for your final expenses as well as we come in on behalf of your family and loved ones and negotiate the funeral costs.

With one phone call we contact three local funeral homes in your area that you had specified in your final wishes form.

Number one, we never tell the funeral home how much money you have got in your policy.


Number two, we ask them to match the price that we need to spend or will call someone else. And most of the times they will match the price which to your family means a great deal of savings. No matter what you choose, traditional burial or cremation Funeral Advantage Program is there to help.

Unlike term insurance policies, our coverage are permanent which is also known as a whole life benefits. With Funeral Advantage Insurance your payments will never go up and your benefits will never go down. Once we lock the rate it is going to stay the same even if your health condition changes. Moreover, it takes three weeks to six month for the traditional life insurance to pay out. With Funeral Advantage, not only we lock the rate for you but also pay our claims within the next 24 hours.

We can provide you with up to $35,000 coverage and give you an additional $100,000 in accidental death. Most people will even qualify with health issues which is a huge benefit nowadays. As long as you make your monthly premium payments on time you will continue to have coverage with us. And if for some reason you find something cheaper we are ready to refund your first month premium within the first thirty days.

As you know, one of the most expensive items is the casket. Last year one of the most sold caskets was an 18 gauge light blue Batesville casket that sold for almost $5,000. We were able to get that same exact casket for $1800, saving our clients well over $3,000. And it happens every day. Our clients are very happy with our services because we are always there in time of need.

I just had a client who passed away. The family picked out a casket which retails for $4500. I am proud to announce that we were able to get that same exact casket for $1500.

Funeral Advantage Program is by far the best funeral insurance program out there not only for its fast response when someone passes away, but also we will take your hand and walk you through the whole entire process to make sure everything goes as smooth as possible.

Call us today for your free quote at (310)853-9477

About the Author: Tom Oganessian is the Founder and CEO of Best and Easy Insurance.


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