How To Paint A House Exterior: A Comprehensive Guide

Painting the exterior of your house is a big job but, with the right tools and techniques, it can be relatively easy and inexpensive to do it yourself. Understanding the basics can help ensure that the job is completed efficiently, leaving you with a beautiful and long-lasting finish. This article provides a step-by-step guide to get you started.

Step 1: Preparation is Key

Before taking a brush to your home’s exterior, preparation is vital. Start by washing the surface that will be painted. This can be done using a power washer to remove loose chippings, dirt, and mildew. After washing, the surface needs to dry completely before you apply any paint.

Next, scrape off any peeling or flaking paint. This might seem like a tedious task, but failure to do so will result in a poor finish. Once you’ve finished scraping, it’s time for sanding. Sanding makes the surface smoother and allows the paint to adhere better.

Step 2: Apply Primer

Applying primer is an essential part of painting your house’s exterior. A good primer will seal the old paint, preventing unwanted stains from seeping through your new coat of paint. You should apply the primer with a bristle brush, roller, or sprayer, depending on what is more convenient for you. It’s also worth investing in a quality primer as it can greatly impact the final look and durability of your paint job.

Step 3: Choose your Paint

After priming your house, the next thing to do is to choose your paint. Different areas of the country have different environmental elements that can affect the paint on your home, so it’s advisable to research and choose a paint that is suitable for the weather conditions in your area.

The type of paint you choose should also offer UV protection to help keep the color from fading. Oil-based paints have traditionally been used for exterior painting, but nowadays latex-based paints are more common due to their durability, ease of cleanup, and environmental friendliness.

Step 4: Painting

When it comes to the actual painting, work from top to bottom. Use brushes for small areas and tight corners, and rollers for larger surfaces. The first coat of paint should be applied as thinly as possible to ensure a smooth finish. Wait for the paint to completely dry before applying any following coats.

Step 5: Hiring Professional Painters

If you are not confident in your painting abilities, or simply don’t have the time, there are professionals who can help. Companies such as commercial painters Boat Harbour offer services that can make your house exterior painting project easier. Hiring professionals can ensure the job is done quickly, effectively and with the level of quality that you expect.

Remember, a well-executed paint job can last up to 10 years, so make sure to consider professional help like commercial painters Boat Harbour to save your valuable time and get a professionally finished look.


Painting your house’s exterior can be a vast project, but with the right planning and execution, it can offer a rewarding finish. Whether you opt to DIY or hire a team of experts like commercial painters Boat Harbour, it is crucial to ensure that the job is done efficiently and effectively. Preparing the surface, picking the right paint, and applying it correctly are all vital steps towards a beautiful and enduring exterior finish.