Internet Dating Tips Online Dating Headlines That Get Attention

So, you already know that getting an attractive woman to open your emails is the first crucial step to online dating success. Hot women get bombarded with anywhere between 50 to 100 emails a day from desperate suitors trying to get their attention. You also already know that your subject line is very important when it comes to getting her to open and read your emails. Typical subject lines like, “Hey baby” aren’t going to cut it because that’s what most other guys are doing.

Now, I was doing some more brain storming the other day and suddenly I came up with another awesome way to get a woman to open my emails. The email subject line I came up with was, “oh no!” That’s it! It simply read, “oh no!” Now, what is a woman going to do when she sees an email with that subject line in her inbox?

She’s going to READ IT FIRST! Why is that?

Because she has to see what I meant by “oh no.” Did something terrible happen? Is there some sort of terrible news she hasn’t heard yet? My god, what happened?

Well, I think you can see where I’m going with this. Gentlemen, we have a new subject line for our arsenal. So, how can we apply this to our internet dating emails? Let’s brainstorm. Here are a few ways to follow up this subject line:


Oh no! You are about to make a huge mistake!

Oh no! Why are you wasting so much time with these guys?

Oh no! All these boring emails from guys just looking for a one-night stand! What’s the deal?

On no! The guy above you is married and looking for an online fling!

So, we have many different directions we can go with this subject line. Let’s try this:

Subject: Oh no!

Email: Here we have a beautiful Sunday morning and you’re stuck wading through an ocean of boring emails from guys who JUST AREN’T YOUR TYPE! I mean, I know a guy with a profile headline that reads; “single cool dude for big booty girl” really gets your juices flowing but it’s time to take a break! Your day is about to get a whole lot better. Anyway… There you go! Just a rough draft but I guarantee it will get the job done! You take the subject line, “oh no” and then you address it in the first part of your email making it clever and humorous. I like to bust guys on dating sites, especially ones that have horrible profile headlines like the one above. Then just continue on with your email. In the example above, you’ll want to send it to her on a Sunday morning and of course you can tweak it to fit your situation any way you want. In fact, here’s another great tip.

Go on any free online dating site and search through the “men seeking women” profiles. Find a profile with a REALLY lame headline and refer to it in your email to a woman on that site. Chances are she’s seen it and she’ll laugh her ass off when she reads your email.

Go for it! Give it a try and I guarantee your emails WILL get opened quickly!

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Sick and tired of FAILING at online dating? Are women ignoring your emails and profiles? Time to put an end to it…now! Go check out one of my very BEST dating profile examples for men and you’ll meet more women than you can handle. I promise you!Author: Christophe Y