The No Fail, Simple Way To Write Your Own Articles

By Kevin Nunley

Nothing makes you a trusted expert like writing your own articles. You don’t need to be a great writer. If you can put down a simple page of instructions, you already have what it takes to be a terrific writer on the Internet.

I’m not kidding! In this article I’m going to give you five very simple steps you can follow to create a VERY effective article. You can use your article to build your reputation, to further your career, to attract attention from lots of new customers, and turn you into a leader/expert people trust.

If you want to make money online, or use the Internet to further your career, writing articles is the number one way to do it.

I used to teach my 5 step article writing method in a community college course. Everyone from police officers to auto mechanics were able to write a fine article on their first try.

1. Point out a problem you know the reader has.

Let’s say you’re a plumber and people often call you to fix a stopped up sink drain. You could start your article: Stopped up sinks cause a lot of problems. If your sink drain is slow or won’t drain at all, you are probably wondering what you can do about it.


2. Make the problem worse. Show the reader how things will only get worse if they don’t act NOW to solve the problem.

Our plumber could tell the reader what can happen if she doesn’t get that sink drain fixed: If left unfixed, your drain will continue to run slower and slower until it won’t drain at all.

Eventually you will turn on the water, leave the kitchen for a moment, then return to find your sink overflowing and ruining flooring, carpets, and creating a moldy mess that could take hundreds of dollars to repair. Even worse, the greasy glop that is stopping up your sink can flow down the line and stop up your neighbor’s pipes, eventually creating a huge, stinky problem for your entire neighborhood.

3. List several ways the reader can solve the problem or make the problem better. The number of solutions you list depends on how long you want your article to be. A short article might list two solutions. A longer article could list 10 or even 20 solutions.

List your solutions 1,2,3 just like I am doing in this article. That makes your article easier to read and keeps more people reading all the way to the end.

Our plumber could list and explain several solutions: (1) Use a plugged drain solvent like Liquid Plumber for minor issues. (2) Get a snake at a hardware store and use the snake to clear stubborn plugs. (3) Call a plumber or service like Roto-Rooter to repair a major stoppage.

Notice the solutions I listed are commonly known methods for clearing a plugged sink. I’m sure you already know these fixes.

But I’ll bet a REAL plumber would have some wonderfully effective solutions that you and I have never heard of. Listing those insider fixes would establish our plumber as a true expert people want to contact for further advice.

By the way, this “expert” quality YOU have is what separates you from all the $5 article writers and autobots that fill the Internet with boring articles. Articles that talk in circles and don’t tell you anything you didn’t already know are of no interest to readers.

That’s one more reason why it’s important for YOU to write your article! When I write an article for a customer, I first get some of THEIR expert tips to include or I do research to uncover solid solutions most people don’t yet know.

4. End your article by showing how wonderful the reader’s life will be once they implement your solutions. Tell them how they will be happier, more relaxed, sexier, richer, or smarter.

The plumber could end his article: A plugged sink drain can cause an endless experience of hassles and frustration. Use my simple solutions to quickly clear your drain for flawless future operation. Now you can enjoy your kitchen and home the way it was meant to be without having to worry about troublesome, stinky blockages. Happy cooking!

5. Finally, end your article with an Author Paragraph. This is the place where you get to promote yourself. Start with a line about who you are, then include your website address, email, phone number, and even physical location.

See my article paragraph at the end of this article for an example. Remember, you can’t promote yourself in the article body, so save that for the Author Paragraph at the end. Use the article body to get people in the mood to buy from you.

Creating your own article is an easy and satisfying experience when you use my simple 5 no-fail steps. You’ll be helping the Internet by giving the Web what it needs most — YOUR personal instructions on how to do something.

In the process, you will gain fans, lots of links back to your site, attention from search engines, and more business for yourself.

About the Author: Kevin Nunley has written thousands of effective articles for himself and his customers. See Kevin’s affordable article writing service — where he can write on ANY topic — at

. Reach Kevin at


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